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Magento One-Click App Setup


One of the many available One-Click Apps that we have is Magento. Magento is an ecommerce platform built on open source technology which provides online merchants with a flexible shopping cart system, as well as control over the look, content and functionality of their online store.


  • Orbit created with Magento image

  • Running Orbit

Creating Your Orbit

  1. To create your application, you must create a Photon. You can do so by selecting the Photon tab after selecting ‘Create Orbit’


  2. Once there, you will see a list of available photons that you can create. Select one and it will bring you to a detailed page

    Photon List Photon Description

  3. Scroll down to the details and you can start selecting options for your photon as well as setting up credentials.

    Photon Details

  4. Once everything is filled in, just press Create and you can move on to the next step

SSH into Orbit

  1. First we need to check some details on our orbit by first navigating to the “My Orbits” tab.

    My Orbits

  2. Once there, click on the Orbit you want to connect to and check for three things:

    • IP Address

    • Running Status

    • Source Image(Ubuntu, Debian, Centos, Fedora

    Orbit Details

  3. Once you have confirmed that your Orbit is running and you have the other information. Open up your console.

  4. Now you can SSH into your Orbit by running.

    ssh image@address
    • IP Address: We got this from the detail page, in this case it is “”

    • Image: We got this from the source image in the details page. It should be one of the following: ubuntu, debian, fedora, centos

    • Note: A full command for this example would be: “ssh ubuntu@”

Starting Magento

  1. Once you are SSH’d into the server you will see the following:

    Magento CMD

    All passwords are generated when an orbit is first created and stored in a .secrets file, unless the welcome screen says otherwise. To access it, run the following command:

     cat .secrets
  2. This welcome message displays what IP address that you need to open to setup Magento. After we navigate to that page, you will see the following

    Magento Start

  3. After you start setting up Magento, it will do a check of your system to make sure it is ready for use. Once it is, you can press ‘Next’ at the top right.

    Magento Ready

  4. Now we need to setup the database for Magento itself, you can get all the information that needs to be plugged in from the welcome message when you SSH’d into the server. After the database is setup, you can press ‘Next’ and setup your store preferences to your choosing.

    Magento DB

  5. After that is complete, you will need to create an admin account as well. It will then begin installing the application with your settings.

    Magento Admin

  6. Once complete you will see a success page with your admin account that you used and your store info as well.

    Magento Success

  7. To access your store, you open the IP address of your orbit in a web page and you should see the following.

    Magento Home

  8. Alternatively, if you go to the admin link on your success page, you can login to the following page.

    Magento Admin Login

  9. After successfully login in, you will be taken to this admin panel page where you can work on your store itself.

    Magento Admin Panel