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Table Of Contents

    ## Table of Contents

    – [Install – afroze edit test](#install
    – [CLI](#cli
    – [Highlights](#highlights
    – [Usage](#usage
    – [API](#api
    – [Options](#options
    * [options.append](#optionsappend
    * [options.filter](#optionsfilter
    * [options.slugify](#optionsslugify
    * [options.bullets](#optionsbullets
    * [options.maxdepth](#optionsmaxdepth
    * [options.firsth1](#optionsfirsth1
    * [options.stripHeadingTags](#optionsstripheadingtags
    – [About](#about

    _(TOC generated by [verb]( using [markdown-toc](

    ## Install

    Install with [npm](

    $ npm install –save markdown-toc

    ![alt text]( “Logo Title Text 1”

    ## CLI

    Usage: markdown-toc [options]

    input: The Markdown file to parse for table of contents,
    or “-” to read from stdin.

    -i: Edit the file directly, injecting the TOC at ;
    (Without this flag, the default is to print the TOC to stdout.

    –json: Print the TOC in JSON format

    –append: Append a string to the end of the TOC

    –bullets: Bullets to use for items in the generated TOC
    (Supports multiple bullets: –bullets “*” –bullets “-” –bullets “+”
    (Default is “*”.

    –maxdepth: Use headings whose depth is at most maxdepth
    (Default is 6.

    –no-firsth1: Include the first h1-level heading in a file

    –no-stripHeadingTags: Do not strip extraneous HTML tags from heading
    text before slugifying

    ## Highlights


    * Can optionally be used as a [remarkable]( plugin
    * Returns an object with the rendered TOC (on `content`, as well as a `json` property with the raw TOC object, so you can generate your own TOC using templates or however you want
    * Works with [repeated headings](
    * Uses sane defaults, so no customization is necessary, but you can if you need to.
    * [filter](#filter-headings out headings you don’t want
    * [Improve](#titleize the headings you do want
    * Use a custom [slugify](#optionsslugify function to change how links are created


    * Won’t mangle markdown in code examples in gfm code blocks that other TOC generators mistake as being actual headings (this happens when markdown headings are show in _examples_, meaning they arent’ actually headings that should be in the toc. Also happens with yaml and coffee-script comments, or any comments that use `#`
    * Won’t mangle front-matter, or mistake front-matter properties for headings like other TOC generators

    ## Usage

    var toc = require(‘markdown-toc’;

    toc(‘# Onenn# Two’.content;
    // Results in:
    // – [One](#one
    // – [Two](#two

    To allow customization of the output, an object is returned with the following properties:

    * `content` **{String}**: The generated table of contents. Unless you want to customize rendering, this is all you need.
    * `highest` **{Number}**: The highest level heading found. This is used to adjust indentation.
    * `tokens` **{Array}**: Headings tokens that can be used for custom rendering

    ## API

    ### toc.plugin

    Use as a [remarkable]( plugin.

    var Remarkable = require(‘remarkable’;
    var toc = require(‘markdown-toc’;

    function render(str, options {
    return new Remarkable(
    .use(toc.plugin(options // <= register the plugin .render(str; } ``` **Usage example** ```js var results = render('# AAAn# BBBn# CCCnfoonbarnbaz'; ``` Results in: ``` - [AAA](#aaa - [BBB](#bbb - [CCC](#ccc ``` ### toc.json Object for creating a custom TOC. ```js toc('# AAAn## BBBn### CCCnfoo'.json; // results in [ { content: 'AAA', slug: 'aaa', lvl: 1 }, { content: 'BBB', slug: 'bbb', lvl: 2 }, { content: 'CCC', slug: 'ccc', lvl: 3 } ] ``` ### toc.insert Insert a table of contents immediately after an _opening_ `` code comment, or replace an existing TOC if both an _opening_ comment and a _closing_ comment (`` are found.

    _(This strategy works well since code comments in markdown are hidden when viewed as HTML, like when viewing a README on GitHub README for example._



    – old toc 1
    – old toc 2
    – old toc 3

    ## abc
    This is a b c.

    ## xyz
    This is x y z.

    Would result in something like:


    – [abc](#abc
    – [xyz](#xyz

    ## abc
    This is a b c.

    ## xyz
    This is x y z.

    ### Utility functions

    As a convenience to folks who wants to create a custom TOC, markdown-toc’s internal utility methods are exposed:

    var toc = require(‘markdown-toc’;

    * `toc.bullets(`: render a bullet list from an array of tokens
    * `toc.linkify(`: linking a heading `content` string
    * `toc.slugify(`: slugify a heading `content` string
    * `toc.strip(`: strip words or characters from a heading `content` string


    var result = toc(‘# AAAn## BBBn### CCCnfoo’;
    var str = ”;

    result.json.forEach(function(heading {
    str += toc.linkify(heading.content;

    ## Options

    ### options.append

    Append a string to the end of the TOC.

    toc(str, {append: ‘n_(TOC generated by Verb_’};

    ### options.filter

    Type: `Function`

    Default: `undefined`


    * `str` **{String}** the actual heading string
    * `ele` **{Objecct}** object of heading tokens
    * `arr` **{Array}** all of the headings objects


    From time to time, we might get junk like this in our TOC.

    [.aaa([foo], … another bad heading](#-aaa–foo——–another-bad-heading

    Unless you like that kind of thing, you might want to filter these bad headings out.

    function removeJunk(str, ele, arr {
    return str.indexOf(‘…’ === -1;

    var result = toc(str, {filter: removeJunk};
    //=> beautiful TOC

    ### options.slugify

    Type: `Function`

    Default: Basic non-word character replacement.


    var str = toc(‘# Some Article’, {slugify: require(‘uslug’};

    ### options.bullets

    Type: `String|Array`

    Default: `*`

    The bullet to use for each item in the generated TOC. If passed as an array (`[‘*’, ‘-‘, ‘+’]`, the bullet point strings will be used based on the header depth.

    ### options.maxdepth

    Type: `Number`

    Default: `6`

    Use headings whose depth is at most maxdepth.

    ### options.firsth1

    Type: `Boolean`

    Default: `true`

    Exclude the first h1-level heading in a file. For example, this prevents the first heading in a README from showing up in the TOC.

    ### options.stripHeadingTags

    Type: `Boolean`

    Default: `true`

    Strip extraneous HTML tags from heading text before slugifying. This is similar to GitHub markdown behavior.

    ## About

    ### Related projects

    * [gfm-code-blocks]( Extract gfm (GitHub Flavored Markdown fenced code blocks from a string. | [homepage]( “Extract gfm (GitHub Flavored Markdown fenced code blocks from a string.”
    * [markdown-link]( Micro util for generating a single markdown link. | [homepage]( “Micro util for generating a single markdown link.”
    * [markdown-utils]( Micro-utils for creating markdown snippets. | [homepage]( “Micro-utils for creating markdown snippets.”
    * [pretty-remarkable]( Plugin for prettifying markdown with Remarkable using custom renderer rules. | [homepage]( “Plugin for prettifying markdown with Remarkable using custom renderer rules.”
    * [remarkable]( Markdown parser, done right. 100% Commonmark support, extensions, syntax plugins, high speed – all in… [more]( | [homepage]( “Markdown parser, done right. 100% Commonmark support, extensions, syntax plugins, high speed – all in one.”

    ### Contributing

    Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, [please create an issue](../../issues/new.

    ### Contributors

    | **Commits** | **Contributor** |
    | — | — |
    | 196 | [jonschlinkert]( |
    | 4 | [stefanwalther]( |
    | 3 | [Marsup]( |
    | 2 | [dvcrn]( |
    | 2 | [maxogden]( |
    | 2 | [twang2218]( |
    | 2 | [angrykoala]( |
    | 2 | [zeke]( |
    | 1 | [Vortex375]( |
    | 1 | [owzim]( |
    | 1 | [chendaniely]( |
    | 1 | [Daniel-Mietchen]( |
    | 1 | [Feder1co5oave]( |
    | 1 | [garygreen]( |
    | 1 | [TehShrike]( |
    | 1 | [citizenmatt]( |
    | 1 | [rafaelsteil]( |
    | 1 | [RichardBradley]( |
    | 1 | [sethvincent]( |
    | 1 | [lu22do]( |

    ### Building docs

    _(This project’s is generated by [verb](, please don’t edit the readme directly. Any changes to the readme must be made in the []( readme template._

    To generate the readme, run the following command:

    $ npm install -g verbose/verb#dev verb-generate-readme && verb

    ### Running tests

    Running and reviewing unit tests is a great way to get familiarized with a library and its API. You can install dependencies and run tests with the following command:

    $ npm install && npm test

    ### Author

    **Jon Schlinkert**

    * [github/jonschlinkert](
    * [twitter/jonschlinkert](

    ### License

    Copyright © 2017, [Jon Schlinkert](
    Released under the [MIT License](LICENSE.


    _This file was generated by [verb-generate-readme](, v0.6.0, on September 19, 2017._