SSD Block Storage
System On Grid is a step towards future and from the day of its conception, the technology and systems have been optimized for a step forward in evolution. The default native block storage for root partition emphasizes our philosophy. All our Orbits use CEPH Software Defined Storage (SDS) as Logical Hard Drives containing the native partitions. Our CEPH deployment uses all Flash SSDs (Solid State Drive) and is configured for 3X replication.

Native Block Storage vs Legacy Storage
System On Grid is a step towards future and from the day of its conception, the technology and systems have been optimized for a step forward in evolution. The default native block storage for root partition emphasizes our philosophy. All our Orbits use CEPH Software Defined Storage (SDS) as Logical Hard Drives containing the native partitions. Our CEPH deployment uses all Flash SSDs (Solid State Drive) and is configured for 3X replication.
Facing Failures
Consider a hardware failure situation where a component like motherboard, power supply, CPU, RAM etc. or an Operating System level corruption has the potential to take the entire RAID array down for hours even though the provider has a spare. Why? This hardware arrangement is just monolithic in nature and a single point of failure. Block storage decouples the Processing and the Memory components from the hard drive persistent storage component. The open source CEPH block storage uses commodity hardware and performs data replication on Application Layer. 3X replication means there are 3 copies of your hard drive on 3 different CEPH Object Storage Servers.
RAID Does That Too
Compare this to local storage, where a hardware failure will result in a downtime of at least few hours and if the failure was related to the raid controller going crazy, then you can very well say goodbye to your data. Another advantage to this architecture is now your storage has become fluid. You are no longer restricted by your VPS specs but now chose any vCPU and Memory combination with any hard drive storage size of your choice. A day might come that the technology will enable us to shield you against software corruption, till such a day arrives, you can have a piece of mind that the hardware layer is taken care off.
Any Other Advantage?
Certainly! What if there is a need for maintenance on your hypervisor hardware? Just take all your VPS down on that server for few hours? With Local Storage and RAID, that is what exactly going to happen. With Block Storage, we move your Orbit from one hypervisor hardware to another spare hypervisor hardware without any downtime or packet loss. Maintenance is then performed, completed, tested and we move back your Orbit, again without any downtime or packet loss.
Additional Block Storage Volume
is NOT Native Block Storage
Adding an additional Block Storage Volume is NOT a Native Block Storage. With an additional Block Storage Addon volume, your VPS Operating System still resides on Local storage based on RAID. It’s only the additional volume to store your files on block storage. Your Operating System still has the same disadvantage that comes inherently with Local Storage. System On Grid offers Native Block Storage, that means even your Operating System is installed on the CEPH Block Storage. You can also add additional volumes on top of the native volume, and have all of them on CEPH Block Storage.
Sounds Cool but how much will it Cost?
Native Block Storage costs $1.00 per 20 GB per month. And guess what, for an Orbit with any type of hardware Spec, you can choose any hard drive block storage volume size from 20 GB to 1 TB. We do not force our users to get more hard drive storage than they really want. That's one more advantage of having native block storage.
System On Grid provides the latest state of the art features with high
automation and availability.
SSD Block Storage
All SSD Storage gives you high performance for all your application needs.
20 gbps Storage
Network Fabric
All Orbits come standard and with no additional cost, SSD based Software Defined Block storage replacing the local hard drive for native root partition.
Root Partition
The Hypervisors are connected to the block storage via 20 gbps (10+10 802.3ad based active-active paths) dedicated redundant network for Storage.
Scheduled Backups
Block Storage gives you peace of mind, but you can still schedule backups to prevent against software based data corruption.
Volume Resize
Resize your Volumes on the fly and grow your volume size dynamically with your Data Storage requirements.
Bootable Volume
Delete the Orbit without deleting the Root Volume and boot a new Orbit later.
Spare Volumes
Clone existing Volumes to create spares or templates, schedule backups, go back in time to a certain date and use that volume to undo things.
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System On Grid LLC, 205 East 42nd Street, 16th Floor, New York, NY 10017
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