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How to Create a Paid Orbit


Now that you have a SystemOnGrid account with an active credit card, you can finally create an Orbit. An Orbit is your virtual machine and it contains all your data that you wish to store.


  • Account with Active Credit Card

Creating an Orbit

  1. To start creating your orbit, first navigate to the ‘My Orbits’ tab

    My Orbits

  2. Then click ‘Create’ Orbit’

    Create Orbit

  3. By default, it will be on the Paid Orbit creation section

    Paid Option

  4. Now select the image that you want and the size of the CPU and RAM

    Image CPU

  5. Next, select the size of the root volume that you want (you can scale up your root volume later on after you create the Orbit. Then you can either set a temporary password or SSH Key as your Authentication method. Finally, assign your Orbit a name and description(optional and click ‘Create’. Your Orbit should start up shortly and you will be able to log in. For security reasons, if you chose a password as authorization, the operating system will ask you to reset it once you login.

    SSD Name

Default Login Usernames

  • Ubuntu Server

    ssh ubuntu@ipaddress
  • Centos Server

    ssh centos@ipaddress
  • Debian Server

    ssh debian@ipaddress
  • Fedora Server

    ssh fedora@ipaddress